For those of you who feel more comfortable with step-by-step explanations, here is a tutorial for the most common variation: a Myosotis blouse!
For this version, I chose to keep most of the length of the ruffle for an oversized shirt effect, but you can easily tweak the length to go for a peplum or crop top look!
On the pattern sheet, trace the skirt piece #7A in your size. I chose to shorten the skirt by about 3/8”, but you can shorten it more or less depending of the result you’re after. Don’t cut the skirt ruffle (#9) or pockets (#8).
Follow the instructions for parts 1 and 2. For part 3, skip steps 3-1 to 3-7. Instead, sew the front and back skirt panels (#7) at the sides, with right sides together. Press the seams open and finish the seam allowances.
Keep following the instructions from step 3-8 until the end of the booklet. Here’s your Myosotis blouse!
Let me take a moment here to introduce the new Deer&Doe intern! She’s not completely up and running yet, but what she lacks in experience she definitely makes up for in cuteness ♥︎.