I’m not usually one to set resolutions for the new year, but for once I felt like setting a few sewing-related goals to get a good start!
2015 was full of new professional experiences, but unfortunately Deer&Doe’s busy schedule left me very little time to sew for myself… this year, my resolution is to take more time to replenish my wardrobe, with at least one home-made garment per month!
In 2015, I noticed that some of my lesser-worn sewing projects had been left aside not because of fit or construction issues, but because of poor fabric quality! I decided to be more rigorous in my fabric purchases and to carefully index my favorite fabrics in a spreadsheet along with their source, how they’ve aged, and what types of garments they can be used for! Ideally, all of my fabric purchases will be made with a particular project in mind 🙂
These past few years I haven’t been very dedicated in taking care of my machines (sewing machine, serger) and tools. In order to extend their lifespan, I’ll make sure to thoroughly clean my machines and sharpen my scissors. I also would like to find a simple and elegant solution to remind myself to change my needles regularly!
My pattern library is relatively well organized (paper patterns are in their envelopes, pdfs are in a binder, and my favorite patterns are on clothes hangers!), but I sometimes forget that I own a given pattern. Just as for fabric, my goal is to index them in a spreasheet that would include their type (dress, shirt, skirt…), their required yardage and notions, their state (printed/traced in the right size or not) and the number of times they have been made AND worn. This should give me a better overview of the patterns and brands around which I tend to gravitate, and also of those that don’t really work for me…
Follow Deer&Doe’s day-to-day life on our Instagram account.
Nothing works bettern as a creativity booster than diversity! Ever since I was kid, I’ve been drawn to everything relating to creation and crafts: sewing, drawing, design, painting, photography… In 2016, my goal is to take the time to develop at least one creative hobby that is not linked to sewing, in order to broaden my horizons and fuel my inspiration 🙂